Indigenous Peoples and Tropical Biodiversity: Analytical Considerations for Conservation and Development


Achieving environmental conservation and socioeconomic development is a challenging endeavor, particularly when we do not have the necessary tools to develop a clear understanding of this dynamic relationship. This is the case of initiatives to protect biodiversity in tropical forests and promote the development of indigenous communities. Theories and models oftentimes fail to provide guidance about how to integrate general principles with the specific circumstances of indigenous groups, leaving an operational gap between theory and practice. This book addresses that gap, providing crucial elements to understand indigenous environmental behavior, particularly in contexts characterized by rapid cultural change and greater diversification of livelihoods. The flexible analytical framework presented in this book will enable readers to develop a solid understanding of the relationship between indigenous peoples and tropical biodiversity, the  basis for the design and implementation of socially and environmentally sustainable conservation strategies.

This is a highly recommended book for any person looking to understand what drives the environmental behavior of indigenous peoples in tropical forests. Specific areas where readers will also develop greater knowledge and awareness include:

– The main representations of indigenous environmental behavior in tropical forests
– The changing nature of the environmental behavior displayed by indigenous peoples
– The factors encouraging environmental conservation or natural resource degradation
– The biological, cultural and socioeconomic dimensions of environmental behavior
– A framework to organize the different factors shaping environmental behavior
– How historical processes shape indigenous environmental behavior in significant ways
– The effect of regional socioeconomic trends on community-based conservation
– How to achieve environmental conservation and sustainable development

Learn about these topics and more!

Indigenous Peoples and Tropical Biodiversity: Analytical Considerations for Conservation and Development.” This book is available in hardcover, paperback and electronic formats.

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